The first gym I ever joined was Dynamic Fitness. It was in an area of Easton, PA known as College Hill, as it was on top of a hill next to Lafayette College. It was and still is a very nice area. Across the street from Dynamic Fitness was an Italian restaurant. Very good pizza and Italian cuisine, but the restaurant is only significant because one of the owners of the restaurant was also the owner of Dynamic Fitness.

Dynamic Fitness was small. I mean really small. Maybe 600-800 square feet and that’s including the men’s and women’s locker rooms. It was in what was once a house; the first floor. It had 2 benches, 1 incline bench, 1 shoulder press bench, 1 squat rack, 1 cable machine, a lat machine, 1 set of dumbbells from probably 10 lbs. to 100 lbs. and 2 stand-alone benches. They also had 2 stationary bikes in the corner that were relics! The cable machine and the lat machine used chains to move the weights. We’re talking the mid-1980’s. I was a teenager, and I thought this was the greatest gym ever! And it was!

I initially started going there with a great friend of mine, Jim. He was a division one football recruit and eventually did get a full ride to a division one school in the south. I don’t remember how things changed, but after several months, I was going there by myself. I felt at home there. I knew early on that these were my people!
There were 5 main guys there, all in their late 20’s to early 30’s that taught me how to train. 3 powerlifters and 2 bodybuilders. They taught me gym etiquette and a host of other topics about life in general. Absolutely great guys! And ironically, several years later I would end up working with 4 of them for nearly 20 years for the Department of Corrections in NJ.
But there were all kinds of people from all walks of life at this gym. Bankers, doctors, professors, construction workers, beauticians, and everything in between. I learned so much about life from all these people. I even dated a female bodybuilder and learned what it felt like to have my heart broken. Life lessons that were so valuable. Again, the greatest gym ever!
Nearly 40 years have passed and so much has changed, and so much hasn’t. Gyms are enormous now, especially compared to Dynamic Fitness. All the latest weight equipment, rows and rows of cardio equipment, many with personal trainers and most sell protein shakes or have perfect nutritionally proportioned meals. Many gyms offer 24-hour access. Back then, there were maybe 3 or 4 gyms in a 50-mile radius. Now there are 10 gyms in a 10-mile radius.
Although some gym etiquette has conformed to the current times, for the most part, and many times, the best part that has not changed are the people. People from all walks of life, all there to improve themselves. Camaraderie. Friendships. Motivators. It is still absolutely priceless.
As everyone is well aware, our current times are very challenging to say the least. The combination of social media and how everyone is somehow politically aware now, has caused divisions in our society. Everyone seems to be on a “team” these days. But not in the gym. Nobody cares about your race, religion or political affiliation. They are there to get their workout in just like you. We all root for each other. We all know the dedication and sacrifice it takes. We are each others people!
I often feel blessed that I have been physically able to workout at a gym for the last 40 years. I also feel blessed that I have met so many incredible people over those years. I pray I have many more.
Dynamic Fitness is long gone now. I think it closed up in the mid 1990's. The memories live on...
Peace to all,
The Beast Life.
**A little side note: I still, to this day, use the same belt that I got from Dynamic Fitness. I had The Beast Life laser etched about 7 years ago.

**The Dynamic Fitness t-shirt pictured above is still in my drawer although I haven’t worn it in years. I probably bought it in 1985 or 1986.
Please check out some of the great deals in the Beast Store. So many things are just $5. Most are very limited in stock and will be discontinued when stock runs out. Definitely give it a look though